Daniel Lehewych, M.A. | Writer

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The Philosophical Hilbert Space

In the endeavor to understand reality, two distinct yet profound disciplines often converge in their abstractness and depth: quantum mechanics and philosophy.

Quantum mechanics, with its Hilbert space of infinite dimensions, and philosophy, with its boundless exploration of ideas, both grapple with truths that are elusive and complex.

I propose a parallel between the two, where the process of philosophical inquiry is likened to navigating the Hilbert space — a domain that encompasses the totality of quantum possibilities.

The structure of quantum mechanics stands on the bedrock of mathematical abstraction, where phenomena are not fixed entities but probabilities in a state of superposition within the Hilbert space.

This mathematical construct offers a complete description of a quantum system’s potentialities, only ‘collapsing’ to a definitive state upon the act of observation.

Philosophy, in its grandest form, similarly traverses through a conceptual expanse of possibilities, theories, and arguments. It is proposed to consider philosophizing akin to exploring a Hilbert space of ideas — a “Philosophical Hilbert Space” (PHS).

The Conceptual Expanse of a Philosophical Hilbert Space

Just as a quantum state is a vector in Hilbert space, a philosophical position can be envisioned as a point within PHS.

Every coordinate in this space represents a unique amalgamation of ideas, perspectives, and arguments. The philosopher, much like the quantum physicist, navigates this expanse not through empirical measurement but through rational deliberation and critical thinking.

In PHS, each axis might represent different fundamental questions or categories of philosophy — ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and aesthetics, among others.

The philosopher’s journey is to chart a course through this space, considering how these axes intersect and influence one another and how they relate to the central questions of human existence.

Philosophical positions, akin to quantum states, often exist in a state of superposition.

A philosophical argument about the nature of consciousness, for instance, might simultaneously entertain dualist, physicalist, and panpsychist perspectives, each with their attendant implications and problems.

These positions coexist in the philosopher’s mind until a ‘collapsing’ decision is made — usually in a structured argument or a thesis that favors one position over the others.

Wave Function Collapse in Philosophical Inquiry

The ‘collapse’ of the wave function in PHS occurs when a philosophical inquiry transitions from abstract speculation to concrete theory.

Writing an argument, presenting a critique, or formulating a hypothesis is the ‘measurement’ that collapses the superposition into a defined position within PHS.

In quantum mechanics, entanglement implicates that particles can be connected so that the state of one instantly affects the state of another, regardless of distance.

Philosophical ideas are similarly ‘entangled’; the stance one takes on a moral question might influence one’s view on political philosophy, which in turn can affect interpretations of law and so on.

This ‘entanglement’ reflects the interconnectedness of all knowledge domains, suggesting a unity in intellectual endeavors.

Implications of Parallel Space

This parallel emphasizes the non-linear and interconnected nature of philosophical thought. It invites us to consider philosophical inquiry as a dynamic process, one that involves navigating through complex ideas that are never fully detached from one another. It also suggests a philosophical methodology that is comfortable with uncertainty and open to the evolution of thought.

The Philosophical Hilbert Space is a notion that captures the richness of intellectual exploration. It encourages philosophers to acknowledge the vast array of possible intellectual ‘states’ they may occupy and the inherent uncertainty and complexity of philosophical inquiry.

Just as quantum mechanics has revolutionized our understanding of the physical world, embracing a quantum-inspired view of philosophy might revolutionize our approach to the metaphysical world.

In both realms, the journey is one of exploration, where the act of ‘measurement’ — through experiment or thought — brings shape to our understanding, yet always within a landscape far broader and more intricate than we might initially conceive.

The Superposition of Ethical Theories

Consider the philosophical exploration of an ethical question: “Is an action morally right if it leads to the greatest good for the greatest number?” Within the PHS, we can define a vector |Utilitarianism⟩ that represents the ethical position of utilitarianism.

Similarly, we define another vector |Deontology⟩, that represents deontological ethics, which posits that the morality of an action is based on whether it adheres to a set of rules or duties.

In the PHS, a philosopher’s position on this ethical question before concluding is not just one of these vectors but a superposition of the two:

|Ethical Position⟩ = α|Utilitarianism⟩ + β|Deontology⟩

where α and β are complex numbers whose squared magnitudes |α|² and |β|² represent the ‘weights’ or ‘probabilities’ of these positions influencing the philosopher’s final stance.

We wish to demonstrate that the philosopher’s position is not a simple binary state but a complex amalgam of these ethical theories.


1. Axiom 1: Ethical theories are not mutually exclusive and can be combined to form a more nuanced moral philosophy.

2. Axiom 2: In PHS, any ethical position can be represented as a linear combination (superposition) of other ethical positions.

3. Axiom 3: The act of philosophical argument (‘measurement’) can be represented as an operator that ‘collapses’ the superposition to a definitive stance.

Given a philosophical question Q, let us apply an operator Ô, which represents the act of philosophical argumentation, to the superposition |Ethical Position⟩.

Ô|Ethical Position⟩ = Ô(α|Utilitarianism⟩ + β|Deontology⟩)

By the linearity of operators in Hilbert space (Axiom 2), we have:

Ô|Ethical Position⟩ = αÔ|Utilitarianism⟩ + βÔ|Deontology⟩

This result shows that the superposition of the initial ethical positions influences the outcome of philosophical argumentation.

Now, suppose the philosopher’s reasoning leads to a stronger affinity for utilitarianism. In this case, α would be larger than β, and the superposition would ‘collapse’ more towards |Utilitarianism⟩ after the application of Ô.

Thus, we have ‘proven’ within the PHS that a philosopher’s ethical stance results from a superposition of different ethical theories and that the reasoning process can ‘collapse’ this superposition into a more definitive position.

This proof illustrates the application of linear algebra in quantum mechanics to philosophical reasoning.

It shows how different ethical theories can be combined in a superposition to represent the complexity of a philosophical position and how argumentation can ‘collapse’ this superposition into a more focused viewpoint.