Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

The Moral Paradoxes of Twitter

This article critically examines Elon Musk's description of Twitter as the "public square" of the internet, arguing that it fosters an environment akin to a non-virtuous public space where harmful speech can proliferate without restrictions. It highlights the issue of hate speech on the platform, citing research linking moralized language to increased instances of hate speech in replies. The article questions the utility of moralizing on Twitter and the unconditional adherence to moral principles without considering consequences or context, often leading to further division and pointless engagement between activists and those engaging in hate speech.

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Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

Twitter — The Fractured Mirror of Our Collective Unconscious

This article presents a scathing critique of Twitter, arguing it has become a vortex of collective unconsciousness, fostering chaos, divisiveness, and inauthenticity. The author advocates for disengaging from the platform, citing its inability to facilitate meaningful connections, its mob mentality dynamics, and its propensity to bring out the worst in people, while obscuring humanity's better elements.

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Philosophy, Politics Daniel Lehewych Philosophy, Politics Daniel Lehewych

A Critique of Social Values

In this thought-provoking exploration of the human condition, we delve into the pervasive phenomenon of wholehearted half-heartedness, where individuals approach their commitments, beliefs, and pursuits with a semblance of dedication, yet lack genuine engagement beneath the surface. By examining the eternal struggle between authenticity and societal conformity, the influence of materialism, and the need for a revaluation of values, we uncover the profound implications of this paradoxical state on both personal and societal levels. This essay invites us to reflect on the importance of cultivating environments that encourage individuals to follow their authentic passions, free from the shackles of conformist demands.

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Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

Will The American Jobs Plan Succeed?

The American Jobs Plan is President Joe Biden’s solution to the economic pitfalls of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without it, many small businesses will perish in America. Ghostwritten for the Baltimore Sun, and used by President Biden in a White Hoise press release.

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Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

Identity Politics are Toxic | Opinion

Contemporary Identity Politics in the United States is a profound source of divisiveness and racism, and we should take notes from the 1960s Civil Rights movement so as to move the cultural conversation away from pernicious Identity Politics.

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