Why Self-Actualization is Impossible
Human life is finite and we can therefore never live a ‘complete’ life, which is something that is supposedly required in order to be authentic. Authenticity in almost all of its plausible forms, is essentially an illusory ideal we will never live up to.
Behaviorism and the Philosophy of Mind
The nature of mind —in particular, its qualitative character— can be understood through the observation of behavior from a 3rd-person perspective. This is especially the case if one is intimately acquainted with the subject in question’s behavior.
Why Language is Not Needed for Thought
Langauge and thought are tightly bound, but not necessarily inseparable. In fact, thought is more basic than language, and language depends on thought, not the reverse.
Why General Artificial Intelligence Might be Impossible
Language is fundamental to consciousness and our understanding of it is only in its beginning stages. We are therefore unlikely to see general artificial intelligence anytime in the near future.