Politics, Philosophy Daniel Lehewych Politics, Philosophy Daniel Lehewych

The Political Dilemma of Balancing International Hospitality with Domestic Concerns

In this thought-provoking analysis, we explore the complex interplay between global compassion and local responses when it comes to housing foreign nationals, particularly refugees and asylum seekers. By examining the ethical imperatives of hospitality, the pragmatic concerns of governance, and the international dimensions of this issue, we uncover the profound challenges faced by nations in balancing their commitments to citizens and the global community. This essay invites us to reflect on the measure of a state's governance in navigating these complexities and striving for a more equitable distribution of responsibilities in an interconnected world.

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Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

Will The American Jobs Plan Succeed?

The American Jobs Plan is President Joe Biden’s solution to the economic pitfalls of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without it, many small businesses will perish in America. Ghostwritten for the Baltimore Sun, and used by President Biden in a White Hoise press release.

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Politics, Business Daniel Lehewych Politics, Business Daniel Lehewych

The Great Resignation Will Be Good for Corporations, Not Workers | Opinion

In this editorial, it is argued that The Great Resignation will not benefit workers, but instead will benefit employers and corporations, because, on the one hand, the structures in place will engineer this outcome, and likewise, corporations will use The Great Resignation as an opportunity to automate, outsource, and lay-off workers.

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Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

Identity Politics are Toxic | Opinion

Contemporary Identity Politics in the United States is a profound source of divisiveness and racism, and we should take notes from the 1960s Civil Rights movement so as to move the cultural conversation away from pernicious Identity Politics.

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