Top Side-Income Methods

Passive income can boost overall salaries when done properly —i.e., doing work on the side. 

Making passive income is the key to gaining wealth and success in the long-run. In 2022, some of the best side-hustles for passive income include affiliate links and investing into stocks.

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  • Over the past two years, millions of people have begun making a full-time living solely on the internet.

  • Side-hustles are highly desirable, and luckily, the internet contains dozens of options for those looking to make a passive income.

  • Trying to speed things up through following trends or quick-fix schemes might make you lose money.

The internet is quite a strange place. On the one hand, it is a vast expanse of memes and cat videos that one can binge on to no end. But, on the other hand, it contains endless opportunities for independent productivity. 

One such way that the internet can be a source of profound productivity is all of the ways you can use it to make money. Over the past two years, millions of people have begun making a full-time living solely on the internet.   

Most people do not have the time to start from scratch as a primary personal project. However, what most people have is a desire to make more money without having to commit all of their time and energy to a new job or entrepreneurial enterprise.  

Side-hustles, in other words, are highly desirable. And luckily, the internet contains dozens of options for those looking to make a passive income through side-hustles!  

Quora’s New Writing Program 

Quora can be a reliable way to get desired answers from experts and everyday people. The sort of questions that people ask needn’t always require formal expertise. For instance, many people ask for relationship advice on Quora, which many people are just naturally good at answering.  

Things on Quora have recently gotten much better for the inquisitive –which excludes no one! Recently, Quora has launched Quora +, a paid writing program that rewards people for having the most helpful answers to user questions.   

The question is: How much passive income can be made through Quora +? One user stated that they began by making 30 to 40 cents a day, increasing to roughly $10 a day. Like anything else, making more money through any medium will take consistency and time.   

Spending an hour a day answering people’s questions on Quora can help improve your income over time.  

Traditional investing 

 The world of investing is often intimidating because of how obscure it is. Nonetheless, traditional investing is an excellent option for those looking to make some passive income.  

Getting started with investing is complicated, but there are a few generic ways to invest with safety and rationality.  

According to Erin Lowry in her book Broke Millennial Takes on Investing, you should start investing by purchasing shares in companies you simply like. 

If the prospect of picking stocks and other assets on your own feels too daunting, there are many ways you can lift this burden. For example, financial advisors and Robo-advisors can help you determine what investments are best for your personal goals and needs.   

Do not expect any massive increases in income through investing, however. The strategy which Erin Lowry suggests is a buy & hold strategy. This is because the success of an investment typically can’t be seen until years after it has been made.  

Lowry also suggests ignoring investment trends, which are likely to flop. Sticking to what you know and what an advisor thinks is best will help to make you passive income for years.  

Affiliate links and online surveys  

Affiliate Links 

Affiliate links are links that a writer can embed into text for marketing purposes. These links take you to a company’s website, and if a transaction is made by whoever clicked on the link, the user of the affiliate link makes a certain percentage of commissions.   

Not all companies offer affiliate links –and generally, those that do are small businesses instead of corporations. Still, it’s worth investigating which ones do and embedding them either into the copy of your website or into any written work you might be publishing online.  

Online Surveys  

Online surveys for money are exactly what they sound like: you fill out a questionnaire and make money for doing so. It is the online equivalent of participating in a university study. 

However, use caution when deciding where to participate in online surveys. Never pay to use a website to fill out surveys, and do not spend too much time on surveys. Likewise, do not treat surveys as a quick cash fix. You will get paid, but it will likely take a long time.  


By using Quora+, traditional investments, affiliate links, and online surveys, you can easily make a passive income online –the key to success in these endeavors is patience. Trying to speed things up through following trends or quick-fix schemes might make you lose money.  

There are no quick fixes and easy cash grabs, and you should distrust anyone who tells you otherwise.  

Each of the passive income streams mentioned in this article provides small gains in the short term. This might be discouraging, but keep in mind that passive income is necessarily going to be slow and steady.  


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