Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Should I Use Aluminum-Free Deodorant?

This article examines the concerns surrounding aluminum in personal care products, particularly deodorants and antiperspirants. It delves into the scientific understanding of aluminum, its biological role, and its safety when consumed in small quantities through natural sources or products like vaccines. The article addresses the perception of aluminum as harmful, debunking claims of its neurotoxicity or association with Alzheimer's disease when used in deodorants. It concludes that based on current scientific evidence, there is no compelling reason to avoid aluminum in deodorants, as it enhances their effectiveness while posing no significant health risks.

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Philosophy, Mental Health Daniel Lehewych Philosophy, Mental Health Daniel Lehewych

What Does it Mean to be a “Better Human?”

This article explores the metaphysics of human change and what it means to become a "better human." It draws upon the contrasting philosophies of Parmenides and Heraclitus, examining the tension between being and becoming. The article delves into personal anecdotes and the challenges of defying norms, reevaluating values, and embracing transformative experiences, even when they involve great suffering or loss. Ultimately, it encourages a critical analysis of customs and norms, advocating for a balanced approach that allows for self-overcoming and the pursuit of authentic betterment.

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Philosophy Daniel Lehewych Philosophy Daniel Lehewych

How Can We Understand Colors Better?

This article explores a novel approach to understanding the nature of colors by combining Edmund Husserl's transcendental phenomenology and David Rosenthal's quality space theory. It proposes using the eidetic reduction method from phenomenology to uncover the essential features and meanings of color experiences, while utilizing just-noticeable differences (JNDs) from quality space theory to categorize colors based on perceptual similarities. Through a step-by-step example involving shades of red, the article demonstrates how this combined methodology can generate a comprehensive taxonomy that accounts for both the subjective, phenomenological aspects and the objective, perceptual dimensions of color experiences.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Why You Should be Supplementing with Grape Seed Extract

This article explores the potential health benefits of grape seed extract, a highly concentrated form of grape seeds obtained from winemaking grapes. It highlights the extract's rich source of the antioxidant procyanidin B2, which is largely lost during the fermentation process of winemaking. The article delves into the various researched benefits of grape seed extract, including reduced inflammation, improved joint health, enhanced blood flow, and protection against LDL oxidation for better heart health. However, it also addresses misconceptions about grape seed extract's effects on blood lipids, glucose levels, and its purported ability to cure diseases like cancer.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Why You Should Be Supplementing with Olive Leaf Extract

This article sheds light on the often-overlooked health benefits of olive leaf extract, derived from the leaves of the olive plant. It explores the rich historical use of olive leaves in ancient Greek and Arabic medicine, as well as modern scientific research highlighting the antioxidant properties of oleuropein, the primary bioactive compound in olive leaf extract. The article delves into how oleuropein protects cells from oxidative damage, thereby aiding in the prevention of age-related and oxidative stress-related diseases. Additionally, it provides guidance on dosages, safety considerations, and the potential synergistic effects of incorporating olive leaf extract into a healthy lifestyle.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Why You Should Be Supplementing with Fucoxanthin

This article explores fucoxanthin, a naturally occurring orange-colored carotenoid found primarily in brown seaweeds, and its potential health benefits as a dietary supplement. It delves into the rich history of fucoxanthin's use in traditional East Asian cultures and its modern scientific research, highlighting its anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and anti-diabetic properties. The article also addresses misconceptions about fucoxanthin's purported cognitive benefits and discusses its bioavailability considerations. Additionally, it provides guidance on appropriate dosages and emphasizes fucoxanthin's remarkable safety profile, positioning it as a promising supplement for weight management, reduced inflammation, and overall health improvement.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Why You Should Be Supplementing with Black Cumin Seed (Nigella Sativa)

This article explores the rich history and contemporary scientific research surrounding black cumin seed (Nigella sativa), highlighting its use across ancient cultures for medicinal and wellness purposes. It delves into the bioactive compound thymoquinone, responsible for many of black cumin seed's researched benefits, including anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, and cognitive effects. While debunking myths about its purported abilities to cure all illnesses, the article presents a balanced perspective on supplementing with black cumin seed, providing guidance on dosages and potential side effects. Overall, it positions black cumin seed as a promising addition to a holistic approach to health and well-being.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Why You Should Question Taking Any Dietary Supplements

This article discusses the potential risks and benefits of dietary supplements, highlighting the widespread issue of inaccurate labeling and poor quality control in the supplement industry. It emphasizes that while supplements can provide marginal health benefits, such as filling nutritional gaps or reducing inflammation, a significant portion of products on the market are mislabeled or adulterated, posing potential health risks. The article cites several studies that found concerning levels of inaccurate labeling, undeclared ingredients, and contamination in various supplement categories. To mitigate risks, the author recommends thoroughly researching supplements, relying on third-party certifications like Labdoor, and prioritizing products manufactured in FDA-approved facilities.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

The Far-Reaching Health Benefits of Resistance Training

This article examines the numerous health benefits of resistance training (weightlifting), positioning it as a crucial exercise modality for improving overall health and longevity. It explores how resistance training outperforms other forms of exercise in reducing injury and fall rates, enhancing cognitive function and mood, and supporting cancer patients' recovery and survival. The article also highlights the importance of combining resistance training with aerobic exercises for optimal results, counteracting age-related issues like sarcopenia and cognitive decline. Ultimately, it advocates for incorporating resistance training into fitness routines, emphasizing its far-reaching impacts beyond muscle growth and aesthetics.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Why You Should Be Supplementing with Alpha-Lipoic Acid

This comprehensive article explores the benefits of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), a potent antioxidant naturally produced by the body and found in various dietary sources. It delves into the historical background of ALA, its unique molecular structure, and its role in neutralizing free radicals and enhancing the body's antioxidant defense mechanisms. The article highlights the potential benefits of ALA supplementation, including supporting glutathione levels, improving mitochondrial function, and promoting overall cellular health. Additionally, it provides guidance on dosages and potential side effects, emphasizing the importance of consulting healthcare professionals before starting any supplementation regimen.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

Why You Should Be Supplementing with Lutein

This comprehensive article explores the importance of lutein, a carotenoid found in various foods, for maintaining eye health and vision. It delves into the history and synthesis of lutein, its role in the macula of the eye, and the potential benefits of supplementation, such as improved visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and protection against harmful blue light. The article also discusses research studies examining the effects of lutein supplementation on age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and provides guidance on dosages and potential side effects.

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Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

The Moral Paradoxes of Twitter

This article critically examines Elon Musk's description of Twitter as the "public square" of the internet, arguing that it fosters an environment akin to a non-virtuous public space where harmful speech can proliferate without restrictions. It highlights the issue of hate speech on the platform, citing research linking moralized language to increased instances of hate speech in replies. The article questions the utility of moralizing on Twitter and the unconditional adherence to moral principles without considering consequences or context, often leading to further division and pointless engagement between activists and those engaging in hate speech.

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Writing, Business Daniel Lehewych Writing, Business Daniel Lehewych

The Definitive Guide to SEO Writing

This comprehensive guide delves into the art of SEO writing, providing actionable tips on effective keyword usage, content structure, and creating high-quality content that resonates with search engines. It emphasizes the importance of technical SEO health, encouraging the use of tools like SEMrush for conducting independent audits to identify and rectify issues that may hinder search rankings. The guide also highlights the benefits of writing for websites with robust technical SEO health, such as improved visibility, better user experience, and enhanced credibility.

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Philosophy Daniel Lehewych Philosophy Daniel Lehewych

Machiavelli’s Political Philosophy

This article examines Niccolò Machiavelli's political philosophy, often perceived as immoral, through the lens of a "moraline-free" approach. It explores Machiavelli's historical context, his seminal work "The Prince," and the concept of virtù, which prioritizes pragmatic decision-making over conventional morality for the stability and prosperity of the state. The article draws parallels between Machiavelli's ideas and Nietzsche's observations on the inherently exploitative nature of life, highlighting the nuanced understanding of human nature and the will to power that underpins their perspectives.

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Philosophy, Technology Daniel Lehewych Philosophy, Technology Daniel Lehewych

Spinoza’s Anti-Ethics

This lengthy piece presents an alternative ethical framework to Spinoza's "Ethics," employing the geometric method to construct an elaborate philosophical system centered around a corporeal God, individual free will, and the moral imperative of prioritizing others' well-being over self-interest. Through a series of axioms, definitions, and propositions, it explores concepts such as the fragmented nature of the cosmos, the duality of the soul and body, the interconnectedness of all creation, and the pursuit of ethical harmony guided by divine will. The treatise delves into the eternal aspect of the soul, its progression towards reunification with the corporeal God, and the existence of an afterlife.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

What are the Nutritional Recommendations for Cancer Patients?

This article discusses a meta-analysis that systematically compared and evaluated the quality of nutritional clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for cancer patients undergoing treatment. The analysis identified areas of overlap, such as recommendations for nutritional screening, assessment, and medical nutrition therapy across various CPGs. However, it also highlighted significant differences in nutrition prescription recommendations, supplement use guidelines, and specific advice for different cancer types and stages. The article highlights the importance of consistent and evidence-based nutritional guidance for cancer patients, as nutrition plays a crucial role in treatment outcomes and overall well-being. It emphasizes the need for refining and updating CPGs to provide accurate and helpful information to healthcare professionals, addressing gaps such as refeeding syndrome prevention and cohesion across different organizations.

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Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych Health and Wellness Daniel Lehewych

How Oat Straw Extract (Avena Sativa) Helps Promote Cognitive Health

This article explores the benefits and mechanisms of oat straw extract (Avena sativa) as a natural nootropic supplement. It delves into the history and traditional use of oat straw, as well as modern scientific research on its therapeutic properties for cognitive enhancement. The article outlines how oat straw extract works, such as increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain, modulating neurotransmitters like dopamine, and providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It discusses the various health benefits observed, including improved attention, focus, memory, and cognitive function, particularly in elderly and middle-aged individuals. The article also provides guidance on appropriate dosages and potential side effects, positioning oat straw extract as a promising addition to a nootropic stack for those seeking a gentle, vitamin-like cognitive boost over time.

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Business, Education Daniel Lehewych Business, Education Daniel Lehewych

The Pitfalls of Over-Communication in Marketing

This article discusses a study that examined the effects of sharing "upward counterfactual information" (UCI) - details about potential superior alternatives or defects - on consumers' impressions of products or services being marketed. The research found a "presenter-experiencer discrepancy," where marketers often believe sharing UCI will enhance buyers' impressions, but it actually worsens impressions due to differences in knowledge and perspective between the two parties. The article highlights the implications of this phenomenon, advising consumers to be aware of how UCI can distort evaluations, and marketers to exercise caution when communicating UCI, considering the consumer's knowledge level and the severity of any defects. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance of understanding this discrepancy to avoid undermining marketing efforts.

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Politics Daniel Lehewych Politics Daniel Lehewych

Twitter — The Fractured Mirror of Our Collective Unconscious

This article presents a scathing critique of Twitter, arguing it has become a vortex of collective unconsciousness, fostering chaos, divisiveness, and inauthenticity. The author advocates for disengaging from the platform, citing its inability to facilitate meaningful connections, its mob mentality dynamics, and its propensity to bring out the worst in people, while obscuring humanity's better elements.

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Writing Daniel Lehewych Writing Daniel Lehewych

Why “Picking a Niche” is Not Good Advice

This article delves into writers' challenges in finding their unique creative voice and methodology. It questions the conventional wisdom of narrowing one's focus to a few specific niches, contrasting this approach with the path of the "generalist" writer who explores diverse interests and subjects.

The article argues that writers should follow their genuine intellectual curiosities rather than solely pursuing monetary success or adhering to prescribed norms. It draws examples from notable figures like William James, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Henry Gray, illustrating how specialists and generalists can achieve excellence when guided by their authentic interests and approaches to knowledge.

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